Source code for zope.testing.doctestcase

r"""Doctests in TestCase classes

import doctest
import inspect
import os
import re
import sys
import types

__all__ = [




_parser = doctest.DocTestParser()

def _testify(name):
    if not name.startswith('test'):
        name = 'test_' + name
    return name

[docs]def doctestmethod(test=None, optionflags=0, checker=None): """Define a doctest from a method within a unittest.TestCase. The method's doc string provides the test source. Its body is called before the test and may perform test-specific setup. You can pass doctest option flags and a custon checker. Variables defined in the enclosing module are available in the test. If a test case defines a globs attribute, it must be a dictionary and its contents are added to the test globals. The test object is available as the variable ``self`` in the test. """ if test is None: return lambda test: _doctestmethod(test, optionflags, checker) return _doctestmethod(test, optionflags, checker)
#: Alias of `doctestmethod` method = doctestmethod def _doctestmethod(test, optionflags, checker): doc = test.__doc__ if not doc: raise ValueError(test, "has no docstring") setup = test name = test.__name__ path = inspect.getsourcefile(test) lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(test)[1] fglobs = sys._getframe(3).f_globals def test_method(self): setup(self) _run_test(self, doc, fglobs.copy(), name, path, optionflags, checker, lineno=lineno) test_method.__name__ = _testify(name) return test_method
[docs]def docteststring(test, optionflags=0, checker=None, name=None): """Define a doctest from a string within a unittest.TestCase. You can pass doctest option flags and a custon checker. Variables defined in the enclosing module are available in the test. If a test case defines a globs attribute, it must be a dictionary and its contents are added to the test globals. The test object is available as the variable ``self`` in the test. """ fglobs = sys._getframe(2).f_globals def test_string(self): _run_test(self, test, fglobs.copy(), '<string>', '<string>', optionflags, checker) if name: test_string.__name__ = _testify(name) return test_string
#: Alias of `docteststring` string = docteststring _not_word = re.compile(r'\W')
[docs]def doctestfile(path, optionflags=0, checker=None): """Define a doctest from a test file within a unittest.TestCase. The file path may be relative or absolute. If its relative (the common case), it will be interpreted relative to the directory containing the referencing module. You can pass doctest option flags and a custon checker. If a test case defines a globs attribute, it must be a dictionary and its contents are added to the test globals. The test object is available as the variable ``test`` in the test. The resulting object can be used as a function decorator. The decorated method is called before the test and may perform test-specific setup. (The decorated method's doc string is ignored.) """ base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( sys._getframe(2).f_globals['__file__'] )) path = os.path.join(base, path) with open(path) as f: test = name = os.path.basename(path) def test_file(self): if isinstance(self, types.FunctionType): setup = self def test_file_w_setup(self): setup(self) _run_test(self, test, {}, name, path, optionflags, checker, 'test') test_file_w_setup.__name__ = _testify(setup.__name__) test_file_w_setup.filepath = path test_file_w_setup.filename = os.path.basename(path) return test_file_w_setup _run_test(self, test, {}, name, path, optionflags, checker, 'test') test_file.__name__ = name_from_path(path) test_file.filepath = path test_file.filename = os.path.basename(path) return test_file
#: Alias of `doctestfile` file = doctestfile
[docs]def doctestfiles(*paths, **kw): """Define doctests from test files in a decorated class. Multiple files can be specified. A member is added to the decorated class for each file. The file paths may be relative or absolute. If relative (the common case), they will be interpreted relative to the directory containing the referencing module. You can pass doctest option flags and a custon checker. If a test case defines a globs attribute, it must be a dictionary and its contents are added to the test globals. The test object is available as the variable ``test`` in the test. The resulting object must be used as a class decorator. """ def doctestfiles_(class_): for path in paths: name = name_from_path(path) test = doctestfile(path, **kw) test.__name__ = name setattr(class_, name, test) return class_ return doctestfiles_
#: Alias of `doctestfiles` files = doctestfiles def name_from_path(path): return _testify( _not_word.sub('_', os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]) ) def _run_test(self, test, globs, name, path, optionflags, checker, testname='self', lineno=0): globs.update(getattr(self, 'globs', ())) globs[testname] = self optionflags |= doctest.IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL doctest.DocTestCase( _parser.get_doctest(test, globs, name, path, lineno), optionflags=optionflags, checker=checker, ).runTest()